Everest at home

16 April 2020
Everest at home

On Sunday April 19th spectators had a date with “Path to Everest”. The latest movie of Kilian Jornet that chronicles the double ascent to Mount Everest was available for free during 24h. In addition, spectators were able to watch an exclusive in-depth vision from the directors of the movie,  Sébastien Montaz-Rosset and Josep Serra. They sharer the secrets behind the movie and the craziest moments to film the double ascent.

For those who have not yet seen the movie, it can be found on Amazon Prime or in VOD en Vimeo in five languages (Spanish, French, English, German and Italian).


Kilian Jornet Path to Everest in English from Summits of My Life on Vimeo.

01 May 2020

Summits of My Life Parody

18 April 2020

Book club - sports & mountain books
